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Nengine DAC advantage

Time:2021-08-26 Click:3000

The quality of Nengines DAC cables is excellent, instead of selling at low prices to end-users, we select higher performance DAC cable with competitive price.

How do we choose cable raw material?

We source Copper cable (raw) from Belden® Company. Belden Incorporated is one of the largest U.S.-based manufacturers of high-speed electronic cables primarily used in industrial, enterprise, and broadcast markets. The cable quality is high and performance is stable.

What kind of equipments we use to test the DAC cables?

The test equipments that we use in DAC assembly lines:

Each and every cable will be processed under standard test procedures by professional test equipments as follows:

Scope : Agilent DCA-X 86100D

Bit Error Ratio Tester : PRECISE PSS BERT-H-

L/H temperature chamber : TM TMTH-080-40-580