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Aftermarket Support

NEME's aftermarket support programs keep your equipment performing reliably and efficiently as long as you own it. And they can help you realize the maximum return on your investment. Our management programs are specifically designed to meet both daily and long-term needs. To ensure years of premium performance from your Customer equipment, turn to us for expert
aftermarket support. NEME's aftermarket programs can help you:
Better manage and reduce equipment lifecycle costs.
Maximize network economy.
Extend equipment life.
Reduce total cost of ownership.
Our aftermarket programs are convenient and flexible, to help you better serve your customers. We offer programs of every size, serving every type of customer, in every market. NEME's aftermarket services include:
NEME offer 3 year free warranty.
Must reply within 24 hours after receiving customers’notice of quality problems.
Regularly survey,collect quality improvement suggestion from customers.